What we do

A Wheel and Away is designed for the independent traveller, who may have a disability, but who still dreams of seeing the world under their own steam.

It provides a forum for people to share experiences, inspire others and discover how to go about creating amazing adventures.

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Why we do it

Personal experience tells us that while there is a wealth of information about, and innovative ways to get to, the places you want to visit, that information is not always readily available.  For the person with plenty of time on their hands to sit and plan that trip away this is not necessarily a problem, but for the rest of us who have busy lives, this can be incredibly time consuming and frustrating.  Particularly for a disabled individual, sometimes it can be the tiniest detail that can make all the difference.

Many people choose to use agencies for just that reason but this isn’t the right solution for everyone.  In fact, a one size fits all approach just doesn’t work.

At a Wheel and Away we aim to provide you with the knowledge you need to make informed choices about what is the best solution for you.  We provide the introduction; you write the chapters………


Maybe you have always harboured a desire to adventure and see the world.  You may already have some pretty good tales to tell yourself.  Or perhaps you never dreamed that it was possible.  Here, we want to share some stories with you.  Some are our own, others may be from normal people who have done amazing things, or some are just hugely entertaining.  They all share one thing in common – all the stories are about, or by, travellers who go where they want to go, regardless of their disability.  Just maybe, there will be something here that gives you an idea of where your next adventure could take you….

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Tow men wearing green t-shirts are lifting a wheelchair over a stile in a dry stone wall in the British countryside.

How accessible is the British countryside to people with mobility problems?

According to statistics, over ninety percent of Britain is countryside.  So why is so much of this still so inaccessible to people with disabilities?

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Writer for leading disability magazine

I’m delighted to say that I have recently been invited to become a regular writer for Ability Needs magazine. It is the UK’s essential journal on disability since 2001 and covers a multitude of topics relevant to the disability community…

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Image shows the external facade of a church. It is grey with an impressive domed roof in green and gold. The entrance has four large columns, above wihichis the inscription 'Herrens Ord Bliver Evindelig'

Copenhagen – an accessible guide to Denmark’s capital city

A return visit to Copenhagen, this time with Stan as well.  As an aspiring architect and keen photographer, this has been on his places to visit list for a while…

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Travel opens your horizons and helps create wonderful stories to tell – often the best adventures are the ones that have an unexpected, unplanned element to them.  But as anyone with a disability knows, the unexpected part can also be the one that is most worrying.  Here, you can ask others the answers to the questions you have, so that you can be better prepared to plan your trip.

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One of Nicaragua's 'Chicken buses'


So you know where you want to go, you’ve talked to others to get some tips.  Now how can you make it happen?  Here you will find information about places to stay, things to see and do, or maybe just new developments to make life easier.  Not everywhere or everything may be right for you, but we provide you with the information to make considered choices about what will suit you best.  You can search by country or category and please keep checking back – new information is being added all the time.

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